Moonshadow Mobile has developed DB4IoT, a database engine purpose-built for the Internet of Moving Things (IoMT).

Last week, Moonshadow’s CEO, Eimar Boesjes, presented DB4IoT at NAAUM 2017, the North American Aimsun Users’ Meeting in Portland, Oregon.

Moving vehicles generate enormous amounts of data. IoMT data isn’t Big Data, it is Bigger Data. To look at moving vehicles at a resolution of less than one meter of movement you need 50 measurements per second. At this rate a single car generates 180,000 timestamped records per hour of driving. To look at traffic flows at the micro level you need to be able to visualize databases with hundreds of millions of records.DB4IoT can instantly visualize databases with tens of thousands of moving objects and hundreds of millions of records.

The data can come from actual measurements on the vehicles or from modeling software such as Aimsun. Aimsun is traffic modeling software that allows you to model anything from a single bus lane to an entire region. Aimsun stands out for the exceptionally high speed of its simulations and for fusing travel demand modeling, static and dynamic traffic assignment with mesoscopic, microscopic and hybrid simulation – all within a single software application. After generating an Aimsun simulation model you can export it as an FZP file and import it into DB4IoT to instantly view models of traffic streams with hundreds of millions of records.


DB4IoT can work with any data stream, real-time or batch uploaded, that contains a vehicleID, timestamp, latitude, longitude and any other associated data such as speed, direction, fuel usage, etc. In this way DB4IoT can take in micro-level data from modeling software and visualize this. Data from different sources such as modeling software, vehicle driving data or data from mobile apps can be combined in a single DB4IoT database. Data can be uploaded through a RESTful API or through batch files. The APIs allow maps, images, graphs, tables or actual data to be exported at extremely high speeds.


Eimar Boesjes, Moonshadow CEO, introduced DB4IoT to attendees at the June 15th Aimsun North American Users’ Meeting in Portland, OR.

Moonshadow’s presentation included a live demo of DB4IoT using an example from Portland’s TriMet. In the presentation Moonshadow showed how it is providing TriMet staff with tools to look at detailed movement data from 700 buses. View a PDF of the presentation.